Could you be a WISE role-model?

Could you be a WISE role-model?

It’s great to hear about all the exciting work going on at WISE to encourage more diversity into STEM subjects. There are amazing activities aimed at girls aged 11-
19 which will encourage them to explore career opportunities that traditionally might have been overlooked. We’ve all experienced the challenges regarding the lack of diversity within tech, whether that’s from a recruitment perspective or even looking round the room and wondering why there is no-one else there like you! It’s heart-warming to know that organisations like WISE are working towards routes into STEM and I’m encouraged by imagining a long employment pipeline of diverse people travelling towards tech via GCSEs, Apprenticeships and Universities – in fact I can’t wait for them to arrive.

We know that if you don’t see people like you represented in a job, you often don’t even consider it as a career. This is such a simple thing but so profound and important. Things are changing and traditional old-style images are being replaced in everything from TV advertising to university prospectuses but we need more. We need real-life people, local accents, personality, people of colour, differing ability and a non-gender/sexuality bias in the mix.

Could you help? WISE are looking female role models to share a short video which will be added to the My Skills My Life platform with the aim to create the largest database of female STEM role models in the UK. Personally I hate cameras but I’m going to take the plunge and contribute – being part of the legacy that helps create a more diverse workforce for STEM will be the most important thing I do today. I really hope you’ll join me and help too.


WISE campign website

My Skills My Life platform


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash