Iain McShane

Ian McShane

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Iain McShane

Iain has been a Software Tester for 12 years. He loves to find out how things work, how they might break and how to make them better. He has worked on apps and sites for government projects, a city council, a water company and a model train shop.

He currently spends his days asking developers awkward questions at a well known gambling company.

For the past 18 months*, almost all Iain has done is be a parent or a tester, and it turns out some of the skills required are transferable! He’ll be taking a (hopefully) entertaining look at where the two jobs overlap.

*At the time of writing anyway. Things have changed a bit since. We’ll get to that later…


Iain is speaking out our Parenting, Products & Programming event on the 21st July.